The Advanced Placement (AP) exam is a series of 34 different tests, each with their own requirements, designed to measure how well you’ve mastered the content and skills of the particular course. A passing score can earn you college credit and advanced placement in university, allowing you to stand out in the college admission process. The exams are generally 2-3 hours long and consist of two parts: 1) multiple choice and 2) free response. Depending on the specific AP exam, the format is either scantron-based, computer-based, or require porfolios as in the case of AP Arts. In most cases, you are able to take more than one subject test on the same day.

Dolphin Academic Prep offers personalized Advanced Placement (AP) tutoring!

We are here to answer your questions, so give us a call or send us an email to see how personalized Advanced Placement (AP) tutoring with a private Dolphin Academic Prep tutor can help benefit your student.

When is the Advanced Placement (AP) offered?

Check to see when the Advanced Placement (AP) exam is being offered.